From original painting, to print, to card
– a piece of my world, a piece of my heart.

The first show I ever had was at an art fair. I had a few framed originals. A few prints. And some cards. They were all different images. It was joyfully surprising when I sold the original paintings, but something else delightful happened. I saw the pure joy of the woman who bought a single card – a single card that cost one dollar (this was a long time ago). She loved it and held it to her chest like it was the greatest piece of art she ever owned. And maybe it was. It was then I knew that each painting I created would also be sold as a print, and as a card. No matter the budget every person should have the same opportunity to buy a piece of art that moves them.
I have always said that I am a writer that paints and a painter that writes. The two worlds are inseparable for me. A melding of words and images come from my heart to my hands and I paint. Inspiration is everywhere. I found it living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and now in the south of France. Because life happens everywhere. And that's what I try to capture. Once I finish a painting, I scan it – perfectly true to the original image. Then I am able to create the prints and the cards. Each created with the same care. Whether you spend thousands or a few dollars, you will get a piece of my world, a piece of my heart.
Since that first art fair in Minneapolis, I have gone on to make solo exhibitions across the United States – from San Francisco, to Chicago, to New York. I've also had several exhibitions in France including a solo exhibition in a grand cathedral. I can honestly say, the thrill of selling that first card is still with me.
Life is a glorious journey.
Travel with me through the words and the paint.
Bienvenue et Bon Voyage!